Progressive? Or just preposterous?

3 min readMay 7, 2021

Women wearing whatever they like without caring about the world, men having shades of pink in their wardrobes, non - binary people coming out of their closets and being accepted in the society, all this sounds very wholesome. But does this all really happen? Sure, there are some places where people have freedom to do whatever they want, choose their own life, and live in a carefree way. But there are also some other places where people are bound by societal and parental pressure.

We live in a society where people think rapes happen because women wear skimpy clothes and not because men don’t know how to treat women(not all men, of course). Although, we should not forget that, women in sarees, women in burkas, small girls in frocks, all kinds of women(and girls) get raped. Not only that, men get raped too. So, I think its not really the clothes. Its the mindset of the person who would want to do this heinous crime, be it a man or a woman.

Women are taught since their childhood, to learn all the household chores because once they are married, they get this responsibility of managing the whole house on their own. And men are allowed to feel alright if they do not help in the household work. While, there are some men who are great helping hands in these responsibilities, maybe we should not glorify them, and call them nice for helping, because that’s how it should originally be. That’s how the actual setting should be, with the man and the woman of the house putting their efforts equally to keep it peaceful and happy.

Feminists are looked down upon. There is a whole ‘anti-feminism’ community which hates feminism because of a basic misunderstanding. Maybe we should remember that feminism does not preach misandry, it instead preaches equality.

There are a lot of such issues. I just wrote about these two and I’m not saying that these issues have never been discussed before, in fact there are a lot of articles, books and movies which depict these issues. I’m just being vocal about my opinions. Maybe we can help the society unlearn some things, so that we can stop normalizing the inhibitions that are rubbed on us in the name of ‘generation gap’ . Maybe we can help shape the society in such a way that we never have to listen to things like “what will society think?”. Maybe we can help it become more progressive and coexist together.




Just a writer who is living on the edge and trying to meet ends.